Pièces et editions de Helsted, Gustav (1857-1924)
Gustav Carl Helsted was a student of the Danish national composer Niels W. Gade. He was a teacher for organ and music theory at the Royal Music Academy in Copenhagen and followed Otto Malling as organist at the city cathedral. He was very committed to the promotion of Danish music and left compositions of numerous genres himself.
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Humperdinck Diverse Raretés Schumann Chant Boulanger Psalm Neukomm Temps Beethoven 5me Liszt Nuit de Diverse 22 Strohl Sonate Bach Cantate Diverse Deux Diverse Raretés Schönberg Verdin Humperdinck Paganini Gershwin An Diverse La Vie Strohl Solitude Diverse Raretés Plum Bungart Ed. Mozart Toute Prokofiev 1re Prokofiev Diverse Church Cornelius Trois Chaminade Messe Beach Roamnce Draeseke Trois Saint-Saëns Le Gruber Messe Wiedermann Diverse Recueil Reinhard Haydn Les sept Prokofiev 1re Diverse Raretés Klose Prélude Chaminade La Strauss Suite Bossi Cornelius Trois Diverse Raretés Soler Six Boulanger
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