Works and editions by Simper, Caleb (1856-1942)
Caleb Simper (1856-1942) was a Scottish musician – and self-taught in this capacity. He composed mainly sacred and worship music for choir or organ and was a superstar of church music during his lifetime: some five million copies of his works were sold by 1920.
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Beethoven Fifth Diverse Two Bach Peasant Diverse La Vie Franck Five Purcell Six Yon Missa dei Verdin Chaminade La Donizetti Trio Tombelle Piano Saint-Saëns Beach Piano Diverse L Mendelssohn Bungart Chaminade Mass Jongen 4 x 2 Verhelst Missa Gershwin An Boulanger Psalm Humperdinck Diverse Album Mason Schönberg Bermudo Organ Plum Diverse Church Weill First Strohl Solitude Wenzel Mood Price In quiet Bruckner W. F. Bach Franck Easy Strohl Sonate Bossi Donizetti Plum Suite Fauré La Parker Concerto Soler Six Ponce 20 easy Diverse Church Boulanger Psalm Bungart Ed.
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